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Some optimizations require bounds on the design variables xxx. E.g. for the diameter of any mechanical support must be above a certain minimum value.

As not all optimization algorithms include bound handling, the module BoundHandler was created.



Algorithm deterministic (as no gradient handling is implemented)
Design Variables continuous variables, discrete or mixed variables are possible.
Objectives any number
Constraints any number
Boundaries Design variables values outside the boundaries are corrected
Initial Search Region not affected
Typical X not affected
Initialization not required


Starting at his module One connection of type optimization
Ending at this module One connection of type optimization


Name Description
- -


The options are currently described as "pop-up help".

Module Description

The optimization algorithm proposes one or several new solutions x. Some values of x might be outside the lower bounds xl and upper bounds xu, specified in the "Problem" module. These variables are corrected to values within the bounds by thress different methods:

0. no bound handling

This option turns off the bound handling.

1. set to bounds

If one of the variables x is below or above the bounds, it is set to the bound value, i.e.

   if x < xl, then x = xl
   else if x > xu, then x = xu

2. reflect

If one of the variables x is below or above the bounds, it is reflected from the bound. The reflection is done such that if x goes to infinity, x is equal to the lower bound and if x goes to minus infinity, it is set to the upper bound.

   if x < xl, then x = xu + (xl- xu)^2 / (x - xu)
   else if x > xu, then x = xl + (xu- xl)^2 / (x - xl)



Source Code

ToDo:Link to SVN

